To learn more about the Safe Delivery Law, visit or call the toll-free 24-hour hotline at 866-733-7733.
Dads Can Help Baby Sleep Safe
Did you know that dads today spend triple the time caring for their children as dads did 50 years ago? Making sure dads with infants know how to reduce the risk of sleep-related infant death is more important than ever. Learn how dads can keep baby safe during sleep.
For more information on infant safe sleep, visit
As the weather begins to warm up, it is important that babies don't get overheated. Overheating can increase a baby's risk of sleep-related infant death. The amount of clothing a baby is wearing, any blankets covering the baby and the room temperature are associated with the risk.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that parents not let the baby get overheated. Here are a few tips to keep baby's temperature regulated.
Evaluate the infant for signs of overheating – such as sweating or the infant’s chest feeling hot to the touch. The temperature of a baby’s hands or feet should not be used to determine the baby’s temperature – they are usually cold to the touch.
Babies should not be over-bundled. In general, infants should be dressed appropriately for the environment, with no greater than one additional layer than an adult would wear.
When sleeping, parents can put the baby in a wearable blanket such as a sleep sack. This allows baby to stay warm enough without the risk of a loose blanket that may cause suffocation in the baby’s sleep environment.
For more information on infant safe sleep go to
Check out the New ParentFurther: An Online Resource
for Strengthening the Relationships that Matter Most in Families
The website features quick quizzes, conversation starters, and activities that bring to life new research on family relationships and youth development.
The new offers more than 100 brief, meaningful activities for families that emphasize how kids and parenting adults can learn, grow, and enjoy time together. Each activity focuses on strengthening family relationships and developing attitudes and skills that young people need to overcome challenges and thrive in life.
ParentFurther is a resource for individual families, but it is also a virtual hub for schools and other organizations to enhance their work with families.