Our Story
In 1977, a small group of concerned citizens came together to organize the Council for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, CPCAN, in an effort to improve the safety, health and well-being of children in Jackson County. CPCAN was incorporated in 1979. In 1981 CPCAN received 501(c) (3) status and for over 35 years the Council has been committed to it's mission to educate and strengthen our community to prevent child abuse and neglect. It is one of 73 Councils in the state of Michigan serving its 83 counties thru Children's Trust Fund (CTF). CPCAN believes that prevention is paramount, and that it takes a community to prevent child abuse and neglect. CPCAN continues to strive to protect all children and to make our community a safe, loving, and nurturing place in which all children may grow up to their full potential.
The CPCAN is the only agency in the county whose sole mission is prevention.
For the past three decades, CPCAN has provided the community with numerous services and educational opportunities in order to protect children. Current CPCAN programs include:
Free Parent Education classes and workshops
Mandated Reporter Training in collaboration with DHHS - teaching adults who work with children how to recognize and report suspected abuse or neglect to Child Protective Services
Stewards of Children - a prevention training program developed by Darkness to Light. Teaching adults how to prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to child sexual abuse
Presentations on:
Safe Sleep Practices – how to protect an infant from preventable sleep related death
Period of PURPLE Crying – a program to prevent Shaken Baby Syndrome
ACE Study (Adverse Childhood Experiences)
De-escalating Child Abusive Situations in Public
Professional Development Trainings - support for professionals who service children and families
CPCAN trainings focus on current issues and concerns, the latest science, effective treatment and responses to abuse and neglect
Collaborations with community partners: truancy prevention, participation in community events such as the Community Baby Shower, Kids’ Fest and more
Production and distribution of child safety and parent education materials to the community
CPCAN's educational offerings are based on building the Six Protective Factors shown to foster the well being of children and families.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services describes protective factors as "attributes that serve as buffers, helping parents who might otherwise be at risk of abusing their children to find resources, supports or coping strategies that allow them to parent effectively, even under stress. Research has show that these protective factors are linked to a lower incidence of child abuse and neglect."
The six protective factors are:
Nurturing and Attachment
Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development
Parental Resilience
Social Connections
Concrete Supports for Parents
Social and Emotional Competence of Children
For more, visit Child Welfare Information Gateway